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Table of Content

  • GS-3 Science and Technology
    • High-speed 6-G internet
  • Fact File
    • IMF bailout for Sri Lanka finally comes through: what is the background, what happens now?
    • What is the Call Before u Dig application launched by PM Modi?
    • What is rule 357 of the Rules and Procedure and Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha?

High-speed 6-G internet

GS-3 Science & Technology: 


The Prime Minister Modi unveiled Bharat's 6G Vision Document and inaugurated the new International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Area office and Innovation Centre .The 6G Testbed was launched to provide a platform for academic institutions, industries, start-ups, MSMEs, and others to test and validate evolving ICTs. The Bharat 6G Vision Document and 6G Testbed will provide an enabling environment for innovation, capacity building, and faster technology adoption in the country.

6G Technology

  • 6G is a technology that does not exist yet, but is envisioned as a much faster and superior communication technology compared to 5G.
  • The 5G services was launched in October 2022 in India and recently the PM has expressed his desire for India to be ready to launch 6G services by 2030.
  • 6G promises to offer internet speeds up to 100 times faster than 5G, with speeds up to 1 terabits per second and ultra-low latency.
  • The vision document outlines various use cases for 6G, including remote-controlled factories, self-driven cars, and smart wearables that take inputs directly from human senses.
  • The rollout of 6G technology will need to balance growth with sustainability, as most 6G supporting communication devices will be battery-powered and can have a significant carbon footprint.


India’s 6G roadmap: Bharat 6G project

  • The government has launched the Bharat 6G projectand itsimplementationwill take place in two phases, overseen by an apex council appointed by the government.
  • The council's responsibilities include standardisation, spectrum identification, ecosystem creation, financing research and development, and other related issues.
  • The council will facilitate and finance research and development, design and development of 6G technologies by Indian start-ups, companies, research bodies, and universities.
  • The council aims to make India a leading global supplier of affordable 6G telecom solutions by identifying priority areas for research based on India's competitive advantages.
  • The council will prioritize research on new technologies such as Terahertz communication, radio interfaces, tactile internet, artificial intelligence for connected intelligence, new encoding methods, and waveforms chipsets for 6G devices.
  • In phase one, explorative ideas, risky pathways, and proof-of-concept tests will be supported, with promising concepts receiving further development in phase two.
  • The government will need to explore shared use of spectrum, reassessment and rationalisation of congested spectrum bands, and adoption of captive networks for Industry 4.0 and enterprise use cases.
  • The document recommends opening up a few bands to generate demand and expanding and positioning a larger mid-band to meet the requirements of 5G+ and 6G technologies.
  • The creation of a corpus of Rs 10,000 crore is recommended to fund research and innovation on 6G, with two tiers of grants proposed.


International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

  • ITU is the United Nations' specialised agency for information and communication technologies.
  • The agency is headquartered in Geneva and has a network of field, regional and area offices.

[Ref- IE]

Fact Files

IMF bailout for Sri Lanka finally comes through: what is the background, what happens now?

  • Sri Lanka received approval for an International Monetary Fund (IMF) Extended Fund Facility worth $2.9 billion, six months after qualifying for it to overcome its severe economic crisis. 
  • The IMF Board granted its approval only after receiving financial guarantees from Sri Lanka's top bilateral donors, namely China, India, and Japan, to ensure the country's debt sustainability is restored.
  • The initial installment of $33 million from the IMF package may not be enough to fully address Sri Lanka's crisis, but it can still contribute to restoring the country's reputation among global private creditors.

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

  • Established in 1944 in the aftermath of the Great Depression of the 1930s. 
  • To build a framework for international economiccooperation.
  • 44 founding members
  • At present, 190 member countries
  • IMF's resources: Mainly come from the money that countries pay as their capital subscription (quotas) when they become members. Each member of the IMF is assigned a quota.
  • Presently, India holds 2.75% of SDR quota, and 2.63% of votes in the IMF.
  • Provides loans—including emergency loans—to member countries experiencing actual or potential balance of payments problems.

What is the Call Before u Dig application launched by PM Modi?

  • The Department of Telecommunications, Ministry of Communications, has launched the 'Call Before u Dig'(CBuD) app to prevent damage to underlying assets like optical fiber cables that occur due to uncoordinated digging and excavation.
  • The app aims to facilitate coordination between excavation agencies and underground utility owners to avoid losses of about Rs 3,000 crore every year and to reduce disruption in essential services like road, telecom, water, gas, and electricity.
  • CBuD app will connect excavators and asset owners through SMS/Email notificationsand click-to-call to ensure planned excavations in the country while ensuring the safety of underground assets.
  • The app aims to provide excavating companies a point of contact where they can inquire about the presence of existing subsurface utilities before starting excavation work.
  • Utility owners can also find out about impending workat the location through the app.
[Ref- IE]

What is rule 357 of the Rules and Procedure and Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha

  • Recently, Congress MP Rahul Gandhi has approached Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla, seeking permission to respond to recent criticisms of Indian democracy made by senior Ministers in the Lok Sabha, citingRule 357 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha.

The Rule 357

  • Rule 357 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in Lok Sabhaunder the section ‘Rules to be observed by the members’ allows a member to make a personal explanation with the permission of the Speaker, even when there is no question before the House.
  • No debatable matter may be brought forward, and no debate shall arise in such cases.

[Ref- IE]


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