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01:16 am





A group of words so arranged that makes complete sense.

  • The Earth revolves around the sun.


Exercise 1: Put a tick (√ ) against the groups of words which are sentences and a cross (×) against those which are not:

  1. The whole school beautifully decorated.
  2. Essay is the of the this better two.
  3. Go.
  4. The colonies across the railway line.
  5. The boy who is in the red shirt.
  6. The colonies across the railway line have very big houses.
  7. In my hand.
  8. The sun rises in the east.
  9. Thank you.
  10. Sorry.


Kinds of Sentences


  1. Assertive / Declarative Sentences / Statements / Assertions
  2. Imperative Sentences / Commands
  3. Interrogative Sentences / Questions
  4. Exclamatory Sentences / Exclamations


  1. Assertive / Declarative Sentences or Statements / Assertions

The sentences which simply affirm or deny something are called Assertive/ Declarative sentences.

  • A doctor treats a patient. [ Affirmative ]
  • A doctor does not wash our clothes. [ Negative ]


Note that we put a full stop at the end of an assertive sentence.


  1. Imperative Sentences or Commands

The sentences which contain some command, request, advice, entreaty, prohibition, entreaty, etc. are called Imperative sentences.

  • Close the door.
  • Shut up.
  • Be quiet, please.

There are three kinds of Questions / Interrogative sentences.

  1. Yes / No question

Reply to such questions is only either yes or no.

  • Do you like ghost stories?
  1. Wh question

Reply to such questions is never in yes or no.

  • Where do you live in?
  1. Alternative question

The answer to such questions is mentioned in the question itself.

  • What would you like to have, tea or coffee?



  1. Interrogative Sentences or Questions

The sentences which ask questions are called interrogative sentences.

  • Which class do you read in?
  • Why are you late?
  • Will the Congress come in power again?



  • that an auxiliary verb does not need to be before the subject in an Interrogative sentence. 
  • that if the sense is of asking question and the listener is required or supposed to give an answer, the sentence is said to be interrogative. 
  • that mere presence of any wh-word in a sentence does not make it interrogative. It can be assertive also.
  • You have taken your lunch? [ Interrogative]
  • Where he lives in New Delhi is not known to me. [ Assertive]


  1. Exclamatory sentences or Exclamations

The sentences which express some strong or sudden feelings, emotions, etc. are called exclamatory sentences.

  • What a shame!
  • How wonderful!
  • Alas! He is no more.
  • How beautiful the Tajmahal is!



  • A sentence must make complete sense.
  • Every sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a full stop, question mark / note of interrogation or note of exclamation (depending on the kind of sentence).
  • The words in a sentence must be in their proper order.


Exercise 2 : Rearrange the words in the following groups to make each group a sentence as per instruction given in the brackets.

  1. Insects the is of one wonderful ant the most. [ Statement ]
  2. Zoo are there strange in many the animals. [ Statement ]
  3. How I can accept such a proposal? [ Interrogative Sentence ]
  4. Money do borrow lend not or. [ Imperative Sentence ]
  5. What she a argument gave strong. [ Exclamatory Sentence ]
  6. Sir me answer let try to this question. [ Imperative Sentence ]
  7. Satisfaction John able your your will entire be to problem solve to. [ Statement ]
  8. How much money I should give you? [ Interrogative Sentence ]
  9. Manager the how the tactfully assistant interrogated. [ Exclamatory Sentence ]
  10. On carefully instructions the follow the written bottle. [ Imperative Sentence ]



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