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Idioms and Phrases 63
01:51 am
1. maiden name: a girl’s name before marriage.
- The maiden name of a girl continues only with her parents.
2. maiden speech: first speech.
- Nervousness is a natural in the maiden speech of each person.
3. maiden voyage: first voyage of a sailor.
- This is my maiden voyage to Europe.
4. main chance: main opportunity.
- This is the main chance to you to show your worth.
5. make shift: temporary substitute.
- Only you can be appointed under a make shift arrangement.
6. marked man: notoriously connected man with some incident.
- Today we remember Nathu Ram Godse as a marked man.
7. marriage portion: dowry given to a bride.
- Marriage portion plays a significant part in Indian marriages.
8. master stroke: clever action.
- It was only a master stroke to observe and conclude that steam has power.
9. mealy-mouthed fellow: highly timid fellow.
- Non-violence does not allow any chance to a mealy-mouthed fellow.
10. midsummer madness: temporary madness.
- Midsummer madness is curable in lunatic asylums these days.
11. moonshine: unreal.
- It is only a moonshine of progress which you are seeing at present.
12. mother wit: original wisdom.
- Miss Toru Datt possessed mother wit to write such a wonderful and immortal poetry at a very early age.
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